Thursday, May 31, 2007

Seasons of Change

Haven't posted in a while. We've been here and there and everywhere. Life has been full of change and a new season has come into our every sense of the word.

First and foremost, spring is here. How sweet is that? Thank the good Lord for flowering trees, higher temps and most importantly, no snow. Spring in Stonebridge means mud, mud and more mud. Being a new community means no lawns, no landscaping, no trees (yet). It's very brown. However, things are booming in our little corner of the city and we are excited about all that is yet to happen within these next few months of summer. Last week, our driveway was poured. And who woulda thought we'd get so excited about cement....but it's our cement and that makes all the difference. We're one step closer to getting rid of the mud pit. It's so great having our own little place to make a home. Love it.

Well, as of last week, we are the proud owners of an optometry practice. Yup. After many months of lawyers, accountants, banks and meetings gallore, Warren has bought the clinic from Dr. Zaleschuck and we now are happy business owners. It's a huge step forward and we're extremely thankful for what God is doing in our life. There's a lot to be done, a lot to learn and a lot to organize, but every ounce of me is proud of Warren and the guy he is. Here's to a full heart.

Work at The Willows is busy as heck. Now that the golf season has exploded, my desk has become dumping grounds for contracts, banquet arrangement sheets, booking forms and menus. Busy and diggin' it. That's me. For the most part. There have been moments, trust me. But today, as I look out my window, the sun shines brightly and I know that I'm right where I'm meant to be. I feel that God has been using me in different ways at work and that alone, gives me confidence.

Welp, gonna jet. Moving on to the next thing...and I know there are many.*


Bonnie said...

YEAH!! Your very own optometry office!? Very, very exciting! Be sure to congratulate Warren for me (if he even remembers who i am). Sounds like life is treatin' ya just fine :) I'm so happy for both of you!

We leave for our big cruise tomorrow night so I'll talk to you when we get back! I promise to post tons of pics! See ya in 2 weeks...

Michelle said...

Congrats on the new business!! I don't know what your hubby does so I'm gonna ask a dumb he an optometrist?!?!

I totally know what you're dealing with the landscapping. Moving to Nevada left us struggling to grow grass. Whow woulda thunk that growing grass would be soooo hard :o) LOL!!! But after 3 bags of seed and constant watering, we finally have a lawn!!! Here, is you don't maintain, you have dust!

Cheri said...

Hey Cyndy, congratulations!!! That is a great huge step for you guys, we're so proud of you both and excited!! Say Hi! to Warren for us and hopefully we'll be able to see him on the 18th. Take care and don't get too busy!!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Congrats on the new business! That's real exciting!

Kristina said...

Wow! Congratulations! That is a huge step for you guys! Warren, I'm so proud of you! When Kreuger retires (or sooner!) I'll become one of your faithful clients. How could I not! Are you planning to do office renovations to or are you just too overwhelmed at this point? Good luck to both of you!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Sorry I didn't get much chance to talk to you at the wedding. I must say you are looking good these days cyndy. :0)