Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Big "2-7"

Uncle Warren turned 27 on Saturday, September 22...and was the cake ever good!*

Friday, September 14, 2007

At Last...

A long-awaited update. I'm still waiting for a disc with pics of the wedding to come from home, but I've got a couple gooders for now. Check me on facebook. I'll stick 'em on there once they're here.

September 1st was essentially one of my favorite days up-to-date and I'll tell you why. Inspiration. I can only think of a few other select dates in my adult life that had such a profound impact on my heart and on my soul. Call me cheesey, call me whatever the heck you want but in all honesty, God touched my being on that day. He did. I felt so much pride for Jon & Kar and I was bursting at the seams beacsue of it. The wedding was a beautiful portrait of who they are as individuals and who they are as a team. Together, they've been through so much - basically growing up - and this day was a long time coming. It was perfection.

The wedding itself had everything. Sentiment, tons of laughter and a whole lot of music. Highlights were: When Jon saw Karen for the first time, coming over the bridge with her dad - his expression made me weep... Hailey (Karen's childhood dog) walking down the isle with a bow around her neck as a part of the wedding party (entitled Member of the Founk Family in the program).... When Jon twirled Kar around on the dance floor as they were introduced before the reception began....Pina Coladas!....The speeches were all awesome. They were so touching and full of memories.... Vicki's video production - Holy Smokes! It was fantastic!!.... The dance.... When Jon got up with his guitar and sang for Kar - it was beautiful....the energy and the joy that was evident throughout the whole day - in the guests, the family and most importantly, the couple. Everyone had a GOOD time.

It's an interesting thing. The fact that I look up to my little brother so much and the roots he's firmly planted in his faith, his work ethic and his dreams. Here I sit at 26 years old, going on 27, and I look to him for inspiration and advice. It's special. I just can't really explain it. I'm just so proud. So proud. It's exciting to watch him grow and to watch him now take on the role of a husband to Kar. It's a whole new level and it's a blessing to witness.

And now our family's complete. I'm thrilled to be able to finally call Karen my sister after all these years. There is something special about these two and I'm excited to see what their bright and shiny future will look like.*

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Beauty of it All

*sigh!* Well....the day came and the day went. It was perfect. What a wedding! What a couple!!! I was completely inspired after the day and as I crawled into bed at 2:00am after the wedding, I thanked God for my little bro and his new wife. I love them both. Lots. I don't know that I have ever felt so proud of who they are as individuals and as a couple.
What a blessing.
I will definitely post more, along with pics, once we get them. In the meantime, I will continue to be the proud sister that I am, excited to see what God's gonna do in their life together.*