Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Warren made supper last night. It was one of the two dishes he seems to excel at - omletes (the other being the tried and true Kraft Dinner, which he is convinced takes a certain level of skill to make properly). We had some good eatin'. Though I usually do love to cook and create in the kitchen, I was tired...still feeling kinda meh and ucky from my bout of flu that I've been fighting this week. He offered and I bit. And so, trying to forget about the splatters, the grease and the spills - in typical Warren fashion - I enjoyed a bacon/cheese/pepper filled omlete. Deeee-licious!


Janelle said...

anytime you feel like making me those yummy omeletes...i'm ALL for it! :)
lucky girl Cyn!

Cheri said...

Hey Cyndy: Nice to see you've got the man working for you. Must be nice!!! just jokes. Nice to see your blog. Get your sister hooked up with one of these will ya!!! We're in Edmonton and trying to adjust to life here. Actually we're doing quite well. The boys are starting to sleep properly again which makes everyone happier!! I'll keep checking in on you guys. And anytime you want to make a run to IKEA let me know, we'd love to see you guys out here!!!