Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Cup Runneth Over...

Oh boy. The thing with being an auntie is that it fills your heart so full with love for these little munchkins, that I can't even imagine what it will
be like to have my own someday. We had Dave, Mel and the babes over for supper last week and as usual, we were entertained. I think it's so funny watching the girls because I see so much of Mel and I in them. The Mother Hen and the "I don't have to listen to you" Kid. Love it. I'm a very lucky auntie.*


Trev and Rebekah said...

There is no doubt in my mind that you will make a great mom one day.

Mel said...

Yup, those are definatly my babes! I love the pic of Brookie -certainly displays her character, eh?

Bonnie said...

Hey Cyndy...just stumbled across your blog. And then I noticed that you had my name on your links list--which is really cool! I didn't know if you would even remember me. But anyway...I'm here to say hello and look forward to seeing what's up in your lives now that I know you're here :)
And I must say I agree with the whole auntie business :) I just LOVE it! Can't even imagine how much I will love my own kids when I love my niece & nephew as much as I do!

MizB said...

Hiya, Cyndy! Cousin Jenn here! Just wanted to tell ya that I stopped by your blog -- love it! (found you through Mel's new blog ;o))

Loved the story of Steve's wedding -- thanks for sharing that, and all the pics. :o)


Cyndy said...

Jenn...who are you?? You're my cousin?? I don't have a cousin named Jenn. Just curious.

MizB said...

Forgot to tell you about a website I thought you'd enjoy, being the "Creative" one you are!
Godly Creatives

It's a community of believers that are "creative". ;o)

I'm a member, using my Mizbooks' Ink blog. ;o)

<>< Jenn

MizB said...

Cyndy -- your Aunt Joan's daughter? We don't see a lot of each other any more, you and I, but yeah... I'm still your cousin. :-P LOL

<>< Jenn S

Cyndy said...

This is really weird. No, I'm not Aunt Joan's daughter - who the heck is Aunt Joan? Please post your name and if you can't, don't hit me back - this is a bit creepy to me. I have NO IDEA who you are. I have no cousin Jenn and no Aunt Joan.

MizB said...

Cyndy -- I meant that *I* am your Aunt Joan's daughter...

Sorry to freak you out -- I'll see if I can get Mel to explain via Email (I don't want to type out personal info in the comments section, okay?)

<>< Jenn

MizB said...

At the very least, do you remember your cousin Laurel -- she lived in Alberta for a while, but now is back in Ontario?

Bonnie said...

Hey Cyndy...hope you get all that stuff figured out with your "cousin." Sounds a bit freaky.
Anyway...just wanted to say that I don't mind a AT ALL that you have me on your links list---I was actually quite flattered that you think my blog is fun to read :) I just didn't know if you would remember me! But you do and that is cool---looking forward to getting to know you better as well, through this crazy and small world of blogging :)
By the way...LOVED the pictures of your brother's wedding! You are looking FANTASTIC!! And hey, how is Jonny these days? Has he proposed to Karen yet? Please say a BIG hello to him for me!