Monday, April 02, 2007

Phone Calls, Soggy Cupcakes and Castles

Well........what a birthday!!!! What a stinkin' sweet birthday!!! Friday, March 30th marked my 26th year in this world, as we know it. And what a shabang it was.
I went to work and (of course) my mom called me from Ontario and sang not one, but two verses of Happy Birthday over the phone...Oh my! Can we say "Oma"??? For those of you who didn't know my Oma Hildebrand (my mom's mom) when she was alive, my mom is becoming ridiculously similar to her in most everything she does as time goes on. It's very funny, actually.
Following the scerenade, I was called from my office out front where I found my little nieces, Mikalya and Brooklyn greeting me with a cupcake with a single lit candle on top. I melted. Kayla's eyes were huge and she looked so excited. Well, needless to say, the two munchkins devoured my treat, leaving only a few soggy morsels at the bottom of the container for me. It was great! What a boost to my already fun day.
Then, once I got home from work, Warren called me on his way home and told me to pack my overnight bag.....we were spending the night at the Bes, in Saskatoon. WWWOOOOOWWWW!!!
What a treat!! So, off we went and enjoyed a fine evening of fine dining downtown (2nd Ave Grill), hot tubbing and watching movies in our room. It was very romantically unexpected and I was over the moon. What a day!!! What a happy, happy birthday!!! Now, if only I could be queen every day....*


Trev and Rebekah said...

Happy Birthday.
Wow, sounds like you had quite the day. The Bes is one place I'd love to stay at yet.

Bonnie said...

Sounds absolutely FABULOUS Cyndy!!! I LOVE the Bes...and I must confess that Bes park specifically holds some very happy memories for me ;) I'm sure Warren earned quite a few points with that birthday surprise! He sounds like he's a keeper :)

Happy birthday once again...glad it was wonderful!