Saturday, May 05, 2007


...enough said.


Bonnie said...

Oh make me smile! Very cute post! (no pun intended) :) haha

Toni said...

Ahhh, Cynth! You always manage to bring a smile to my face. You failed to mention though that you are just as HOT too. In fact, I think you are more than HOT. You are definitely SASSY as well. Another great quality.

Luv, Tonis

Michelle said...

Hi Cyndy! Since it's been year (BBI days) since we've talked, I'm assuming your HOT post is your hubby?!?!? Congratulations :o) How long have you been married? Any babies planned for the future?!?! You seem to be very happy, that's awesome! Hope all is well. I too have a blog that will fill you in on all my details. One big one is I've moved to Nevada with my family last summer. Look forward to getting back in touch! Oh and if it's ok, I'd like to add you to my list of fellow bloggers on my blog! TTYL :o)