Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Because of my Sketchbook

I am artistic. That's how God made me and that's my passion. Lately, I’ve been frustrated with the lack of opportunity to use my gift, in that I work full time in a job that isn’t pulling from this skill set whatsoever. I feel like it’s such a waste.

Mine & Warren’s life (like most people) is so busy. I realized the other day that I missed being creative. I hadn’t used my gift in a really long time. It left me feeling empty and anxious.

So, I went out, bought myself a new sketchbook, came home, put on some Sandy Patty (don’t pretend like you don’t know who she is), sang praise & worship music (along with Sandy) and sketched…..for 3 hours!!! I can’t explain how that felt. I can’t explain the closeness I felt with God. It was great. That’s how I spend time with God. That’s how I can visit with Him and feel closest to Him.

I have always found it tough to ‘do devotions’ because I don’t like to read very much and I don’t get as much out of books….it feels like school to me (and we all know how much I liked school). But when I can be in my own world, sketching, creating, designing, I’m quiet and can listen. I can connect.

I was encouraged and reminded of the fact that everyone communicates with God differently. God is always speaking to us, but in such different ways from each other. I felt so at peace because I was doing what God created me to do...and using it to be with Him.*


Janelle said...

well, i'm hoping that once we can sit down for coffee, i can put your creative gifts to good use!!
i'm the same way as you - i find God when i'm singing...i never feel closer to Him then when i am singing...people don't understand that, but it's not theirs to undestand...that's how i spend time with my God.
so keep doing it...

Bonnie said...

Very cool Cyndy. I'm sure He was very proud and excited to spend time with you in that way. Wish I could peek at your creative sketches :) I'm sure they're just beautiful.

Heather Peters said...

I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about sitting at the piano, playing and singing.

Michelle said...

It's awesome that we all communicate with God in different ways and by using the gifts he's given us! Keep it up ;o)

MizB said...


People think I'm just "book-crazy", but I really believe God uses the books I read to "speak" to me. And, when I'm helping others grow through pointing them to the "right" books, that is when I feel that I'm doing what I was made to do... it's my passion, and I put it to good use. God's blessed me with the opportunity to write book reviews for my church's newsletter, too, so that's my "ministry".
I'm so glad we all have unique gifts. And, I'm glad you were able to get back to sketching. ;o)
Thanks for sharing this...
