Monday, October 24, 2005

A Clear Revelation

God's shown me lots of stuff about myself lately that I need to and want to change. This past week - more near the end of it - was a tough one, in some ways. It was tough because no one likes to be slapped in the face with reality. Especially when you're wrong and you know it. The changing process, the time in which God takes your heaped up heart into His hands and moulds you like putty, can be a weary one. But the end's something beautiful. I'm on my way there. I am trying to get back to the place I seem to have distanced myself from.

I tend to be a very selfish person. I guess we all do, that's the humanness in us. But this is different. I want to understand what it means to be a selfless individual because I know how easy it is to slip into a me first mode. That sucks.

When you are around an unselfish person, you know it. You see it and you feel it. Everything in the room feels different - somehow light and airy, easy going and happy. God gives each of us the opportunity each morning to wake up and map out our journey for that day. It's up to us how we will react to each situation and where we will put our focus.

I love when God wakes me up and gives me a clear revelation. I know this will be a forever process for me, something I will be striving to better myself in for the rest of my life. We all have our things, our areas that need work. But I guess today I just come with a full heart and a willingness to change and see myself for who I really am standing infront of such a big God.

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