Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This, That and the Other Thing

Yesterday was special. It marked two years since I married the love of my life. Warren and I have had quite the ride in the two years that we've been married so far. Some things have been overwhelming. There's been loss and sadness. There have been many challenges and bumps along the way. But there have been many joys and reasons to celebrate too. The good has absolutely outweighed the bad.

When I look at my life in a hypathetical state without him, it would seem empty and would lack so much. I have found a best friend in him. We're a team and we're one. We're in this together and I thank God for finding me a soul mate. I am blessed. Beyond words, actually.

And so, to celebrate, we went out for supper and a movie. Which brings me to the next point of this post - August Rush. Oh my GOODNESS!!! It was such a good movie - at the risk of sounding over dramatic, I will boldly say that it was truly one of the best movies I've seen. Warren had to agree (and ladies, that's saying something!). It was just so inspirational and well written. I would highly recommend it. It was that good.

Lastly, we are heading home for the holidays and I am (as always) bursting at the seams with excitement and anticipation. So, I had to stick in a little glimpse of a Bartel Christmas for the record.

I feel giddy when I think about: sitting by the fire with a cappuccino, visiting with my parents, eating a home cooked meal (mom's cooking is always the best), going to church on Christmas Eve, watching Monsters Inc for the 50th time with Dad, visiting the shop (the infamous Bartel Machine) and taking in that 'shop smell', unwrapping gifts with everyone - such a multitude of paper and bows and I love it, Mom's sugar cookies with mile-high icing, seeing Kodak again... and the list is unending. Should be good.*


Janelle said...

you have always been one of my FAVORITE couples - and i'm just so excited that God has blessed you with the incredible gift of marriage! I know He'll continue to guide you in the years to come!!! :)
and that movie is one my sister has been wanting to take me to see for some time - so i'm glad to hear it's a gooder!! :)
ENJOY Christmas at home!! give your Mom a HUGE hug from me, and just take some time to RELAX.
i love ya.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Thanks for the movie info. Trev and I have not been to see a movie in over 8 months and we want to see one for our birthdays so maybe I'll suggest this one.

Lexi said...

Hey dear!! Hope you have a GREAT Christmas with your family! Safe travels.

Bonnie said...

First of all, Happy Anniversary!!!! Hope this next year is even better :)
Second, thanks for the movie review. I've been dying to see it and am glad to hear it will be worth the money!
And thirdly, can I come to the Bartel Christmas!?!?! That looks absolutely exquisite! No wonder you're itching to get home... what a cozy and beautiful place to spend Christmas. Have a wonderful time Cyndy! Merry Christmas!!

Michelle said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Warren! And have a joyous Christmas with your family (wish I could do the same...no trip to Canada for us :( ). Prayers for safe travels and many more happy years with your hubby!